How To Find & Build a Solid Cannabis Community Around You

Cannabis culture isn’t necessarily new, but it’s growing and changing fast. More people are open about their high-inducing hobbies, which encourages better community education.

Embracing your local cannabis community can help you learn and promote responsible weed practices. If there isn’t an official community in your area yet, you can always start your own!

What Is a Cannabis Community?

A cannabis community is usually a local group comprising cannabis users and, occasionally, cannabis professionals like budtenders and cultivators. The community doesn’t need to follow any specific group hierarchy and could even include the regulars you’ve met from your local dispensary. 

The ultimate goal of a cannabis community is to encourage better cannabis education and safer practices. Some groups also advocate for better cannabis laws. 

Benefits of a Cannabis Community

Networking with other cannabis herb lovers has many benefits, particularly improved cannabis education. For years, the taboo around weed has made it challenging to discuss safe uses with other enthusiasts. However, talking about it is often the only way to debunk harmful myths and stigmas. 

For example, if you ask various cannabis users how long you should wait to drive after smoking, you’ll likely get different answers. However, a responsible cannabis community will tell you to wait at least six hours — but only if you feel comfortable and haven’t used edibles. 

How To Build a Community of Cannabis Enthusiasts

Check out the following strategies for expanding your cannabis community. 

1. Establish an Online Presence

Social media connects people with similar interests around the world. Of course, you can also use it to find people who live in the same neighborhood. 

Consider giving your community an official name, even if it just includes your city name and a few other words. Then, identify the best social media platforms to reach your new community — or see if one already exists. Your cannabis community may predominantly exist online as you gradually welcome more members. 

Your best apps may include:

  • Facebook
  • Meetup
  • Reddit
  • Discord
  • Circle

2. Set a Community Goal

As you develop your community, consider what your group stands for. Beyond loving weed, what are you advocating for? Some cannabis communities promote safer practices and up-to-date community resources, while others target policy changes. Talk with others in your community to identify the most pressing issues in your area. 

3. Consider a Meeting Place

If you want to establish an in-person presence, you’ll need a location for meetings. Typically, you can use a member’s house or garage if everyone already knows each other. However, if you’re still getting new members, you should find a safe, public place to meet instead. Of course, meeting in public means you can’t get high together just yet.

4. Collaborate With Local Dispensaries and Businesses

Even if there isn’t an official community, there’s likely already an existing network between your local dispensaries, cultivators, and smoke shops. Visit the different businesses in your area and ask if there are any upcoming cannabis events. Some businesses may even let you promote your community information on a community bulletin board or wall. 

Embrace Cannabis Culture With Harbor House Collective

A cannabis community can help you learn safer practices, find new resources, and meet new people to smoke with. That said, the process of building community starts with meeting people. Visit Harbor House Collective in Chelsea, MA, or your nearest dispensary to get started.

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