Female Weed Icons We Should Be Talking About

Modern weed culture continues to overcome countless hurdles, such as outdated laws and harmful stigmas, with many women activists leading the charge. From changing laws to giving female stoners someone to look up to, read on to learn how female weed icons are changing our culture forever. 

4 Female Weed Icons

Some of the most notable women in the cannabis community include advocates and innovators who have helped make the industry what it is today. Others are notable for simply using and normalizing cannabis, further breaking down stigmas surrounding women and weed. 

Jane West

Jane West, the founder of the Edible Events Company and Women Grow, is one of the most notable cannabis activists and has influenced many of the current market’s foundations. She has prominently voiced concerns and demands for change regarding cannabis laws, treatment, and education. In 2015, the International Business Times named her one of the “20 Most Influential People in Cannabis.” Even after facing backlash from the federal government, West refused to stay silent and continued to inspire change. 


Rihanna is one of many female music icons who have been intentionally unsubtle about their cannabis usage, with others including Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, and Little Simz. Many of Rihanna’s songs allude to the heightened emotions of cannabis, such as “James Joint,” which opened with “I’d rather be smoking weed whenever we breathe.” She has also regularly worn green flower-themed apparel to her shows, dressed as the “weed fairy” for Halloween, and legendarily rolled a blunt atop her security guard’s head at Coachella 2012. 

Barbara Lee

Congresswoman Barbara Lee is one of the most influential politicians in getting cannabis federally legalized and improving how it’s discussed legally. Her most outstanding achievement so far has been pushing the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act. This proposed legislation aims to remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act, decriminalize it across the country, and move cannabis tax funds to negatively affected communities. 

Zoë Kravitz

While many notable Hollywood stars aren’t quiet about smoking, The Batman and Divergent star Zoë Kravitz is among the most influential. She starred as the weed-smoking protagonist of 2020’s High Fidelity TV show, which she also executive produced as well as writing an episode for. Viewers and critics loved Kravitz’s performance for feeling weird, unflattering, and genuinely real — a striking twist on other female stoners in media, who are often underwritten or absent entirely. 

Our Commitment to Community, Weed, and Women’s Health

At Harbor House Collective, we are committed to building a stronger weed culture for our community. By following in the footsteps of activists like Jane West, we hope to help the cannabis industry continue to grow with better education, stronger leaders, and healthier practices. Visit Harbor House Collective to learn more about our weed culture and community involvement.

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